Contact Telephone Numbers

Useful Contacts

Reception 0141 942 6644
Prescriptions (between the hours of 8.30am Monday and 5.00pm Friday)0141 942 7540
Community Midwife0141 347 8422
District Nurses (please call between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday)0141 232 4817
Health Visitors0141 232 4820
Out of Hours/NHS 111111
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service0300 123 1236
East Dunbartonshire Smokefree Team at Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre 0141 355 2327
Gartnavel General Hospital211 3000
Gartnavel Royal Hospital211 3600
Glasgow Royal Infirmary211 4000
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital201 1100
Stobhill Hospital201 3000
Western Infirmary211 2000
Sick Children’s Hospital at QEUH201 0000
Southern General Hospital201 1100
Practitioner Services Department, Glasgow Registrations0141 300 1300
Kirkintilloch Integrated Health and Social Care0141 232 8200 
and 0141 304 7400
NHS Inform0800 22 44 88
East Dunbartonshire Social Work Department0141 355 2200
NHS 24111
Milngavie Clinic232 4800
Milngavie Police Station

(and ask for Milngavie Police Office)

The Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board 
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Corporate HQ
J B Russell House
Gartnavel Royal Hospital Campus
1055 Great Western Road
G12 0XH

Telephone: 0141 201 4444