Useful Contacts
Reception | 0141 942 6644 |
Prescriptions (between the hours of 8.30am Monday and 5.00pm Friday) | 0141 942 7540 |
Community Midwife | 0141 347 8422 |
District Nurses (please call between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday) | 0141 232 4817 |
Health Visitors | 0141 232 4820 |
Out of Hours/NHS 111 | 111 |
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service | 0300 123 1236 |
East Dunbartonshire Smokefree Team at Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre | 0141 355 2327 |
Gartnavel General Hospital | 211 3000 |
Gartnavel Royal Hospital | 211 3600 |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 211 4000 |
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital | 201 1100 |
Stobhill Hospital | 201 3000 |
Western Infirmary | 211 2000 |
Sick Children’s Hospital at QEUH | 201 0000 |
Southern General Hospital | 201 1100 |
Practitioner Services Department, Glasgow Registrations | 0141 300 1300 |
Kirkintilloch Integrated Health and Social Care | 0141 232 8200 and 0141 304 7400 |
NHS Inform | 0800 22 44 88 |
East Dunbartonshire Social Work Department | 0141 355 2200 |
NHS 24 | 111 |
Milngavie Clinic | 232 4800 |
Milngavie Police Station | 101 (and ask for Milngavie Police Office) |
The Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Corporate HQ
J B Russell House
Gartnavel Royal Hospital Campus
1055 Great Western Road
G12 0XH
Telephone: 0141 201 4444